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ATU 1960B    ATU 1960B   

- The Great Fish.

Een mop (),


The Great Fish. This miscellaneous type comprises various tales dealing with enormous fish [B874, X1301]. The following are the most common variants:
A huge fish (pike, perch, burbot, salmon, eel, whale, etc.) has wound itself three times around an island. For three days people try to pull it up onto the land, but its eyes are still not visible.
Inside the great fish are found the bells from seventeen sheep. The fish’s flesh is pickled in 300 pounds of salt, and it feeds an entire hospital for a year.
The fish’s eyes alone weigh five pounds. Its scales are removed with a plow and used to roof a barn. Its bones are used to fence a field, and its skull is made into an oven. Cf. Type 1889G.




Early literary version in Europe, see Philippe le Picard (No. 25).

Oorspronkelijk Verhaaltype


